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the foot fault rule.

Published: 27 May 2012 - 01:02 by terry dubery

Updated: 28 May 2012 - 14:50

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Guys at the club were debating the foot fault rule today.

To the best of my knowledge one foot ( say the left foot ) must be grounded in the service box at the time of the server striking the ball.

Is the right foot then allowed to touch any of the line demarcating the service box.

It has always been my understanding that the server must not allow any foot to touch the line demarcating the service box.




Terry Dubery



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From raystrach - 28 May 2012 - 14:50

hi terry

it is quite simple.

as long as one foot (or part of one foot eg the toe of your shoe) is completely within the service box area at the point of contact  of the serve, it is a good serve. once that condition is met, the position of the other foot becomes irrelevant.



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From rippa rit - 27 May 2012 - 18:18

The Relevant Content tab has brought up some discussion on rules.

Here is the link to the World Squash Federation Rules of the Game, see Rule 4.4.1 re foot faults.

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