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Abbreviated Rule 12 - Interference

Published: 23 Jan 2006 - 07:42 by rippa rit

Updated: 24 Jan 2006 - 07:07

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Extracted from WSF Rules on Squash

When it is his or her turn to play the ball, a player is entitled to freedom from interference by the opponent.

To avoid interference, the opponent must try to provide the player with unobstructed direct access to the ball, a fair view of the ball, space to complete a swing at the ball and freedom to play the ball directly to any part of the front wall.

A player, finding the opponent interfering with the play, can accept the interference and play on, or stop play. It is preferable to stop play if there is a possibility of colliding with the opponent, or of hitting him or her with racket or ball.

When play has stopped as a result of interference the general guidelines are:

The player is entitled to a let if he or she could have returned the ball and the opponent has made every effort to avoid the interference.

The player is not entitled to a let (i.e. loses the rally) if he or she could not have returned the ball, or accepts the interference and plays on, or the interference was so minimal that the player’s access to and strike at the ball was not affected.

The player is entitled to a stroke (i.e. wins the rally) if the opponent did not make every effort to avoid the interference, or if the player would have hit a winning return, or if the player would have struck the opponent with the ball going directly to the front wall.

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From rippa rit - 24 Jan 2006 - 07:07

aprice1985 - Unfortunately, because squash is such close play (non contact sport) the game could not progress if the play was stopped every time there was some kind of interference. 
  • Often, by keeping on hunting the ball (forget the opponent) it is possible to take advantage of the situation and hit a winner. 
  • How frustrating it is when you have the player "on toast" and ask for a let when in fact it would have been possible to hit a really good shot making it impossible for the opponent to return.
  • Yes, this is experience and the ability to quickly sum up the situation, eg if I wait for the opponent to move will I still be able to hit the ball, or if they move back maybe I can do a drop instead of a drive.  Be a bit cunning in other words in spite of their bad movement on court.
Arthur, sometimes we tear in in such a hurry to hit the ball, but if we just waited a tad for the opponent to clear the way, there would be this nice big opening in the court beautifully set up, to hit a winner.
Just keep being mindful of how you might be able to take advantage of the interference, and sure you will make some mistakes, and muck it up, but that is how you will learn more strategy.
You seem to be improving a lot so just keep chipping away at it.

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From aprice1985 - 24 Jan 2006 - 04:17

The new rule is still something i struggle to understand, if the slight interference makes it more difficult for me to hit a shot, say by slowing me down do i just have to accept that even if it is in no way my fault?

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From drop-shot - 23 Jan 2006 - 20:08

"A player, finding the opponent interfering with the play, can accept the interference and play on, or stop play. It is preferable to stop play if there is a possibility of colliding with the opponent, or of hitting him or her with racket or ball."

This is exactly what I was trying to explain to Arthur last week or so. You can accept the slight interference and play on. Just remember – you have the freedom to hit the ball TO ANY PART OF THE FRONT WALL.

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