Rule 12 Interference - New member, first question
Published: 24 Jan 2010 - 06:05 by Jon177
Updated: 24 Jan 2010 - 07:32
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Hi everyone,
I'm a new member so would like to say hi to everyone here.
I have been playing squash for a good few years for fun against friends but had a lay off of approx 4 years due to said friends moving away/not having time etc. I have recently (December 09) signed up to a local squash league and had my first few competitive matches. I'm really enjoying it but am coming up against much more expierienced players and am having to adapt and learn very quickly. I enjoy learning things that i enjoy so no problems there. The question i want to know the answer to is. Do you have to give the opponent a direct path to get to the ball? Sometimes im having to run round the opponent and vice versa.
Thanks in advance

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From rippa rit - 24 Jan 2010 - 07:22 - Updated: 24 Jan 2010 - 07:30
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Jon, welcome to the forum. The Squashgame Library (see the tab above), and the Forum Archives will be the place to visit regularly for help, hints, and answers as they arise. Yes, squash rules are not exactly cut and dried and cause frustratiion to players and opponents constantly. If you read these links and in particular get to know Rule 12 (Interference) thoroughly it will help you analyse the on court situations. WSF Rules.
PS: There has been much discussion in the forum on this rule topic, see the Relevant Content tab on the top lefthand column.
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