Moving to the T after serve
Published: 24 Jan 2006 - 04:33 by sau230
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:30
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Ok first off Im a beginner squash player. My question is how can I control the T after the serve if when I move there my friend keeps hitting me in the side of the head? If I stay back he'll play it along the side wall but if I move to the T he hits me and tells me that he wants the ball to go to the other corner. Its not like Im standing right in front of him or even limiting his shots. When ever I see squash on TV the server moves to the T but they never get hit with the ball what am I doing wrong? If Iam reading the rules correctly it is my fault I get hit but Iam just getting into the position that every squash guide tells me to.

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From raystrach - 27 Mar 2006 - 10:03 - Updated: 27 Mar 2006 - 10:03
From rippa rit - 24 Jan 2006 - 06:34
- By going to the Library on the Home Page you will find plenty of good ideas for your game. Here is the Serve link with some diagrams.
- The best idea would be to get on the court by yourself and mark targets on the front wall, as well as mark feet positions in the service box as per our link, and strive to be able to hit the serve to land onto the side wall and land into the back corners, landing softly.
- A lob serve would be a good idea to start with.
- If you hit any ball into the middle of the court (serve or drive) you better duck or move out of the way and then be prepared to RUN fast.
- Be sure to wear your eye-guard. Here is the safety link.
- Squash is a game of angles so imagine you are playing billiards.
From aprice1985 - 24 Jan 2006 - 06:11
From drop-shot - 24 Jan 2006 - 05:58
Let me tell you shortly what the other people around will vocal a in a bit more detailed form bit later. You do all good if you serve from the serving box and step towards the T. Just be aware where your serve hits the front wall and where the ball falls after that hit... I would say your opponent is cheating a bit or at least he's stretching the rules. Obviously he's got the right to have unobstructed ball view and freedom of shot, but I do not think that you limit his freedom stepping to the T.
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i just picked this post up - belatedly i know
it seems to me you are probably hitting the serve too wide causing it to rebound towards the centre of the court off the side wall. keep it a little straighter and you will not have the problem. take note of the front wall targets as suggested previously
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