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Head - Metallix vs Flexpoint

Published: 15 Sep 2007 - 12:29 by dpiedra

Updated: 27 Oct 2007 - 01:40

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I am currently using the Flexpoint 150 and absolutely love it. I am wondering if anyone who has used any of the Flexpoint racquets has used the Metallix. Does anyone know the difference in the two lines?squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From ferris69 - 27 Oct 2007 - 01:40

Yes, just the grip shape is different as far as i know and probaly a tiny difference in the make up of the racket.

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From mike - 26 Oct 2007 - 09:44

I've had both, a Flexpoint 150 and a Metallix 130.

I like the grip shape of the Metallix much better...the FP is quite rectangular and I don't really know how to hold it. The metallix is rounder and more comfortable.

Otherwise I liked the feel of both racquets. Can't compare too directly as they are different weights. IMO the M130 was a more powerful racquet, and the FP150 better for drops, lobs and touch shots.

I'm currently using a Karakal Pro 3T2 for durability reasons. (It's a good racquet too).

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