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So you like your tennis grip?

Published: 04 Apr 2008 - 15:49 by rippa rit

Updated: 04 Apr 2008 - 15:49

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Rippa Rita`s championship squash tip

Your tennis grip is OK on the squash court, especially if you are having your first squash game, and want to have some fun.  Also, you will enjoy hitting the ball nice and hard. The problem eventually, if you keep trying to improve, is the lack of variety in your strokes, eg

  • boasts (from the back corners)
  • lobs (high overhead, and soft)
  • returning drives( that are tight to the walls)
  • lob serve (high and soft)

Link to Strokes/Movement.  Check out the grip.

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Hi Rita and Ray, I just want to express my word of thanks.Founding your website in December totally revalued my attitude towards the game.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.

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