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Can I still play during pregnancy?

Published: 30 Apr 2008 - 17:18 by melleishman

Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:26

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I have just found out that I am pregnant with a very much wanted baby, and bacause I was trying to get pregnant have found out early - I am only 5 weeks pregnant! I do a lot of exercise and it is very important to me. I run, do body pump classes and play squash. I know that I can continue to run and do body pump, but I'm not sure about squash. I absolutely love squash and would really miss it if I had to stop. I'm not going to see my GP til I am 8 weeks gone (I am a senior nurse practitioner in gynaecology) so I dont want to book in til I am over the initial miscarriage risk period. Can anyone advise please?

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From raystrach - 30 Apr 2008 - 18:29   -   Updated: 30 Apr 2008 - 18:29

hi melleishman

we have info in our squash safety section, specifically on pregnancy.

i would also like to hear from those who have been pregnant viz a vis squash to hear whta you have been told by your medical practitioner.

pregnacy has never been a barrier to exercise. my wife was mowing our very large yard, the day she went into labour when our daughter was born. talk about dedication to duty!!

i hope all goes well with the  pregnancy.

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