Squash gear
Published: 20 Jun 2008 - 20:49 by willkat123
Updated: 03 Jul 2008 - 21:02
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I'm in Melbourne and am looking to buy some squash gear.
Can people recommend some good web sites or places to buy stuff from.
I'm interested in buying a Dunlop Hot Melt Pro Squash Racquet

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From Adz - 03 Jul 2008 - 21:02
From nickorossa - 03 Jul 2008 - 06:19
Hi Adz,
Thanks for the list. A few of them I've come across before, but a few I haven't.
Specifically I could do with some squash shoes, racket bag, some sports clothing and possibly a new racket
From Adz - 30 Jun 2008 - 18:38
Well depending on what you're looking for..........
www.sportdiscount.com - general deals
www.snowygreensports.co.uk - cheap clearance dunlops (esp. ICE series)
www.directsportseshop.co.uk - general deals, had cheap hi-tec shoes recently
www.MilletSports.co.uk - Cheap luggage deals
www.pwp.com - General deals, some excellent clearance shoe deals, but hard to get sizes
www.tennisnuts.com - Some good deals, but tends to be in line with other cheap companies on some and more expensive on others.
www.newitts.com - Cheap dunlops and luggage
www.nrgsports.co.uk - Cheap shoes
www.just-rackets.co.uk - General deals
www.holdall.co.uk - Shoe deals
www.racketlink.co.uk - General deals
www.pdhsports.com - Some good multibuy deals
www.sweatbandsquash.co.uk - Some good multibuy deals but limited offerings
Then there are a few that you can buy from abroad who ship to the UK, but it only works for things that are much cheaper so can cover import duty and extra postage should it be charged.#
What type of things are you looking for?
From nickorossa - 30 Jun 2008 - 07:17
Hi Adz,
Which web sites do you use from in the UK? I'm in the UK and looking for a few bits and pieces etc. I'm also in the UK, so your list may be useful.
From yaehbhi - 24 Jun 2008 - 22:08
Hi there, I'm in Melbourne and probably can help.
What items are you interested in purchasing. I can give you few options if you let me know. Also, what part of Melbourne you are located in? cheers, J
From Adz - 20 Jun 2008 - 23:33
The difficulty is that there's usually more than one place to buy stuff from. I'm in the UK so probably won't be much help, but I use over 10 different websites depending on what I'm looking for. Sometimes one will have a deal making them cheaper than another.
Best way to go is to work out what you want first and then worry about where to get it. That way you just need to trawl through the net to find the best deal.
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Depends on the bag, shoes and racquets wanted.
Just search through all of the sites and find what you're looking for that way. It's the same process I use when looking for equipment.
Good luck!
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