Lob Serves can be frustrating
Published: 31 Oct 2008 - 16:18 by rippa rit
Updated: 31 Oct 2008 - 16:19
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It is worthwhile to have practice sessions that focus on the Serve and Return of Serve. When an opponent really perfects their Lob Serve it can be hard to get "a hand out", especially with the PARScoring, and before you know it, the game is half over. The saving grace can be, as the rallies get short (because the return of serve is too difficult), the bounce of the ball changes (ball cools down), and within minutes the serve can go "off" - wooppee!
Try to be conscious of the ball temperature when playing, and, if the ball is "dead", play some hard long consecutive shots, including serves to get some "sting" back into the game.

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