Published: 19 Jun 2009 - 10:15 by evanlw85
Updated: 06 Nov 2009 - 14:40
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I've seen the Prince MV4 around and they look good. Is there any difference in structure between the Tennis and Squash version of the MV4, I prefer the look of the tennis version and they're cheaper than the squash ones. So why wouldn't i get them if they're the same shoe techincally...?
Thank you for you time,

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From rskting - 06 Nov 2009 - 14:40
From rippa rit - 03 Oct 2009 - 08:30 - Updated: 03 Oct 2009 - 08:41
No, I did not wear an MV4. When I was looking at the photo in the Review of the MV4 I noticed it seemed high and a bit clumsy looking for squash. With the amount of twisting and turning and ankle flexion in squash the features of an Indoor Court Shoe would be the things to consider to wear on court was my point.
Last night I spoke with one of our NBL players about his shoes, which he was carrying in his hands after the game was over, as they are only used for on-court play; a pair lasts him about 4/5 months; mind you Size 13; he is a 6 footer and slim and moves very well; shoes have sleek lines, leather uppers and not at all cumbersome around the arch and heel area. Probably not a shoe that you would wear down the street with your jeans.
Does that explain where I was coming from?
From rskting - 02 Oct 2009 - 11:26
Rippa, not sure what you are trying to say in your first post. so your did or did not wear the MV4? Did you sprain your ankle playing tennis or squash with the MV4?
From rippa rit - 23 Jun 2009 - 08:03
Silly me I should have looked if there was a Review at the beginning and I would have got the photo. "Those shoes look good for walken" as they have plenty of cushioning to stop the hard flexipave from hurting your feet and the burning from underfoot giving you blisters. When I wore my tennis shoes, that had a build up to squash, I sprained my ankle within the first ten minutes on court. The one and only time I sprained my ankle. Tennis does not have the quick twisting and turning movements, especially the sort of spinning around to chase the ball. Squash needs a very flexible feel so the shoe moves with your feet, not the feet move with your shoe, if you understand the difference that I notice in the shoes for squash.
That of course is only my observation.
From hamburglar - 23 Jun 2009 - 02:06
Looks like the soles are different. The squash gum rubber is stickier, but doesn't last as long as the rubber on tennis soles. I guess it costs more also.
From rippa rit - 21 Jun 2009 - 06:55
evan - there has been quite a lot of forum discussion on squash shoes but no reference to MV4 - take a read of the Relevant Content tab (see on the lefthand column) and see how the Prince stack up for the qualities discussed.
Hope that helps.
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MV4 review: Okay, so I bought the MV4 and played a couple of matches in them. I have nothing to say about the shoe, and that is a good thing. The NFS 3 was not enough cushion. The head shoes are bad in every way. The stabil is heavy. The asics too soft. Of course, the NFS 3 has good wide toebox, the head shoes were cheap, and the stabil is just solid. But the MV4 I couldn't find anything to complain or very good to say about. I just put them on and kind of forgot about the shoe thing. I think that means it's a good shoe. Now if I could only find a racquet and strings, and headbands that I can just forget about....
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