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Gym for squash

Published: 09 Jul 2009 - 03:02 by nickmaster

Updated: 09 Jul 2009 - 21:32

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Hi everybody!

Someone could help me with some iron pumping stuff apropriate for squash? Probably someone nows what pros are doing? i couldn't find it here and even in google. I am not a newbie in court and also have experience in bodybuilding. When looking at the pros they doesn't seem to have big muscles except massive quads. However once i unerstood that I cannot train legs and next thay play squash and since i never do.


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From rippa rit - 09 Jul 2009 - 21:32

nick - the Australian Institute of Sport Squash Unit do a heap of training, and a lot of it can be done outside the gym  Heavy gym work would be done in the off season as a build up to condition the muscles for the competitive season, and in particular for injury prevention, eg core strength, see Relevant Content tab on the top left, and in particular periodisation.  You answered your own question about the build of the squash players - they are training for speed, agility, and flexibility, and whilst a player needs to be strong, too much bulk can make a squash player slow, hence the reason for the heavy gym work being done pre-season.  The court sprints are about training the aerobic/anaerobic energy systems.

The gym is necesssary to balance the body, particularly since righthanders tend to be overdeveloped on the dominant side of their body, particularly affecting their backs and shoulders.

I hope this helps.


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From nickmaster - 09 Jul 2009 - 17:13

Thanks rippa! About court sprints, i can do the same intensity as Palmer, only 2,5 minutes.... :)) The thing is that i have a gym in my house for free and somtimes i am using it. I would like to do maximum out of it for squash.

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From rippa rit - 09 Jul 2009 - 09:17

Here is a forum article that would be of interest.  David Palmer's squash training.

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