Using tennis strings in squash?
Published: 22 Mar 2010 - 22:34 by squashfan
Updated: 05 May 2010 - 17:48
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I have a Wilson nFlash and I had it strung with the Wilson Helixx 17. The string was average and personally I felt as though I had wasted my money on that string. I play tennis and I have reels of Head synthetic gut PPS 17 and 18 gauge and I was wondering if I could string up the nFlash with this string. If so, what will the performance be like with the 17 gauge?

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From Sweely - 05 May 2010 - 17:48
From aprice1985 - 23 Mar 2010 - 21:28
As i mentioned in the thread rita has linked to I had tennis strings in my racquet for a while, they played fine, I am not at a very high skill level so noticed little difference between them and squash strings. I would say that the X-1 biphase is a good string, great power while keeping control but at my level I play just as well with the technifibre synthetic gut squash string (cheap string) and they key is how long since the last restring. I would give the tennis strings a go on the basis of you have them already, if you really hate them change them for a squash string. Again my two penny worth is that you should avoid really cheap nylon strings (normally factory strings) and that it always feels better when newly restrung.
From ferris69 - 23 Mar 2010 - 21:06
Totally agree with the last post. The best 2 strings on the market at the moment (in my opinion as a player and stringer) are Tecnifibre X one biphase and Ashaway Ultranick and they are both 18 gauge, and 1.18 and 1.15mm respectively. These both have good durability as well as excellent playability. You might as well have the best and then at least you can't blame the strings!!
From raystrach - 23 Mar 2010 - 08:23
hi squashfan
17 and 18 gauge are squash string gauges (the higher the gauge the thinner the string) - they equate to the range from 1.25mm to 1.1mm for those more used to the metric measurement. many manufacturers only make strings in metric sizes these days.
although some string manufacturers may still make "light" gauges (eg 17L) which fills in the gap between gauges, all the strings i use are metric.
1.1mm is a bit thin, especially if durability is an issue and i don't think you get the extra feel for what you lose in having to restring more often.
1.2 - 1.25 is ideal as it maintains both durability and playability.
Going higher than 1.3, you start to lose all responsiveness from the strings.
however there is only one way to find out - put them in the racket and see!
From rippa rit - 23 Mar 2010 - 08:21 - Updated: 23 Mar 2010 - 08:24
Squash strings v tennis strings - here is some discussions.
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This is interesting. Thanks for all the tips, especially rippa rit. The thread was interesting to browse through.
/ Dave, plays squash stockholm.
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