Wilson Hollow Core Pro 17g string
Published: 28 Apr 2010 - 22:40 by thorium
Updated: 25 Oct 2010 - 06:53
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The Hollow Core Pro is a novel 17-gauge offering by Wilson. It is the default factory string on their 2010 BLX rackets.
I've just upgraded my nTours to BLX Tours, and have had a chance to try the new factory string. So far I'm pretty impressed. Great touch and good power even from high-tensioned beds. It's also very resilient and only gets better till it finally breaks, a bit like the old tecnifibres. Has anyone else tried this string? I'm considering buying a 660' reel.
Secondly, it appears the 17-gauge (Pro) variety is used for both tennis and squash rackets. This seems a little odd to me, from a marketing standpoint.

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From slowleg - 25 Oct 2010 - 06:53
From rippa rit - 01 May 2010 - 07:09
The Relevant Content tab on the top left has several posts discussing strings, etc. though none speak of the Wilson Hollow Core Pro.
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I tried this string on the new ONE40 BLX, both string and racquet are very impressed, very good power and control feel...the downsize is the string pretty loose on the racquet.
I might try this string on different racquet.
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