rail shot advice
Published: 30 Nov 2010 - 04:48 by dazcollett
Updated: 30 Nov 2010 - 20:47
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I have been playing squash for only 2 years and not had any coaching but seem to be quite good at it and can play most shots from most places EXCEPT for tight rail shots!! For some reason both backhand and forehand shots end up coming back towards the middle of the court and not down the wall, which is frustrating as I have the length right. Does anyone know why this is, I think I may be hitting the ball too early but cant seem to remedy it, even when under no pressure, although it seems to help the further i stand from the ball.
Thanks for your time

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From rippa rit - 30 Nov 2010 - 20:47
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Good to see you are keen on learning how to play using tactics, eg hitting the ball away from your opponent, making your opponent run, putting pressure on your opponent, etc.
Our Squash Library/Squash Technique in the browser above will give you plenty of good sound tips regarding your swing and your court movement. Also check out other forum posts in the Relevant Content tab on the top lefthand column.
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