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Attitude to Eyewear

Published: 30 May 2011 - 14:22 by nashty

Updated: 30 May 2011 - 14:07

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Hi Guys,

My name is Chris and I am a product design student at the University of Strathclyde.  I am currently in my final year and I am required to design and make a piece of sporting equipment that can be tested on an athlete.

For this project I have decided to develop eyewear spcecific to the use of squash and need input from players of all levels. Any opinion or experience would be greatly appreciated.  To aid my research just click the link below, that will take you through to a survey tha should take no more than 5 mins to complete.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to your posts

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From sarahcoles - 30 May 2011 - 14:07

 That's a great idea to start with. Will be waiting for responces on this thread. :) 

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From sarahcoles - 30 May 2011 - 14:05

 That's a great idea to start with. Will be waiting for responces on this thread. :) 

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From rippa rit - 07 Jan 2011 - 10:45

Hi - firstly take a look at the "Relevant Content" tab which has a lot of discussion on eyewear, maybe not about attitude, but about safety, styles, etc. This should help expand your theories for your assignment.

Personally, I would say the disadvantages would be -perspiration, bad fitting, hurts at pressure points, eg nose, a one fits all is hard just like with any gear due to shape, style, and price. The advantages we know are preventing injury and loss of sight,


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