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Yet Another Basic Grip Question

Published: 02 Aug 2011 - 04:38 by gholby

Updated: 03 Aug 2011 - 17:20

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In viewing instruction videos, it seems that there two grips taught on forehand - the shake hand grip, and rotating the grip a bit from the shakehand in order to turn the face upward.  Which is right?  Turning the grip 20 degrees or so from the shakehand seems to work for me for my forehand as I get more loft, but then it becomes more difficult to have the face up on the backhand.  I apologize in advance for such a basic question, but not sure which is right.



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From rippa rit - 03 Aug 2011 - 17:20

If you move that knuckle a little to the side (towards the backhand side) you will really find it will make you keep the grip and develop the swing, as well as improve your backhand stroke.

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From sloejp - 02 Aug 2011 - 17:39

stick with the shake hand grip. it will feel unnatural for a while, but it's the best way make sure you don't pick up bad habits.

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From sloejp - 02 Aug 2011 - 17:39

stick with the shake hand grip. it will feel unnatural for a while, but it's the best way make sure you don't pick up bad habits.

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From rippa rit - 02 Aug 2011 - 07:49

Getting the grip right is very important  Our squash library/squash technique/grip has a heap of information and speaks about the forehand and backhand swing, etc.. Take a good read, try to understand the diagrams and then come back with questions about your own personal experience with these techniques.

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Hi, this is my first post on the site. It's good to site a forum with lots of good information!

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