Back court reverse boast - illegal?
Published: 11 Oct 2012 - 02:47 by SquashCan
Updated: 12 Jun 2013 - 17:37
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I play at an A-level in Canada and a couple players at our club love to use the reverse boast. Now of course this is a fine shot, with some advantage/disadvantage at times but in particular I would like to hear others opinions of the shot from the back of the court.
The situation: Player A hits a good drive (say 6inches from the sidewall) to the back court which bounces before the glass and comes up enough that Player B can play his shot with a well balanced stance.
Player A's drive allows them to be at the T without interfering with a front wall shot from Player B.
Player B then does a reverse boast which goes behind/hits/very close to player A who is in legal position at the T.
Is this a legal shot? It seems to me that it is a dangerous play. Would a referee warn the player not to use it and penalize them on subsequent use?

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From Naveed123 - 12 Jun 2013 - 17:36 - Updated: 12 Jun 2013 - 17:37
From hamburglar - 19 Jan 2013 - 07:53
Unfortunately there's no real penalty for Player B. If they go for the boast and hit you, it's just a let and now they've probably made you step back further in the court to avoid getting hit.
It's a dangerous play and if someone persisted in playing that shot when I'm giving full access to the front wall, but I get hit, I'd find other people to play or nail them in the back of the leg with the same shot.
The only time I've hit a ball behind someone is when they purposely block the T and take away half the front wall. It was only a drop shot to the other corner so not dangerous.
From rippa rit - 18 Jan 2013 - 17:40 - Updated: 18 Jan 2013 - 17:45
Not sure if I am viewing this situation the same as you are, why?
Firstly, the T is not any more a legal position on court than any other position. You can really only take up the T position providing your shot (drive, lob, reverse boast, cross court, return of serve, etc) allows you to while at the same time giving the opponent/striker freedom to play the ball to any part of the front wall.
Rule 12 and Rule 17 are the most difficult to enforce. Take a read.
From Ahmed - 18 Jan 2013 - 08:17
But reverse angle can be also played from a weak serve and the server could be close to the shot, any idea if this is permissible ?
From Ahmed - 18 Jan 2013 - 08:16 - Updated: 18 Jan 2013 - 08:16
But reverse angle can be also played from a weak serve and the server could be close to the shot, any idea if this is permissible ?
From mike - 11 Oct 2012 - 07:55
I've never encountered someone hitting a reverse boast with the ball passing BEHIND their opponents back, only ever in front of them.
It does sound potentially dangerous. If these were both very elite players AND the opponent didn't flinch/wasn't intimidated then I'd possibly let it go (as the ref). For everyone else I don't think it's an appropriate shot and a dangerous play warning would be reasonable.
And if the player did hit the opponent with a shot like that you'd award a stroke to the opponent and warn the player.
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