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Watching Squash

Published: 18 Mar 2006 - 07:30 by JJSOOTY

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 14:44

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I enjoyed watching the Qatar classic when it was on but since then I haven't noticed any squash on tv.  I'm just wondering if anyone knows when any games are being shown because I keep on missing them!  I was hoping that as squash is a commonwealth sport it would be shown but of course its all through the night here in england.

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From rippa rit - 19 Mar 2006 - 22:04

Well, at last I saw a Commonwealth Games match and the viewing was excellent too.
  •  It was the girls semi between Rachael Grinham and Shelly Kitchen where Rachael was never in trouble really. Mind you the ball was not flying around at 270kl/h either and it was easy to view the drops and boasts so that was quite enjoyable tv watching.
  • Rachael used the cross court (by flicking her wrist around) to swing the ball down the forehand wall quite often, and used the boast as a surprise shot to the drive which was always fairly tight into the side wall making an attacking return shot difficult.
  • Generally anything a bit mid court she did her favourite drop into the corner nick area.
  • When Rachael was caught up the front with a drop or boast she used the cross court lob, and actually turned around to come back to centre court (but Rachael is nifty on court and quick to recover so that approach did not seem to disadvantage her). Not what I would recommend for everyone.
  • Yep, and talking of that down the middle shot, from a recent post.  In reply to a cross court drop (Ithink it was) Rachael hit a down the middle drive, and caught Shelly completely travelling the other way looking for a wide backhand cross court drive.
  • I did not recall any winners hit to the back corners, but all were retrieved to length often with the shortened grip, to get the leverage to bring the ball down the wall nice and tight.
  • Quite a few drive landed at the back of the service box so never made the back corner which I was a bit disappointed about at this level of play.
  • Rachael will go into the final fairly fresh as she hardly got out of breath at all in this match.
Good effort for the two sisters to make the finals.

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From aprice1985 - 18 Mar 2006 - 07:33

yeah some of squash is on the bbc and if you go to the forum on then scroll down there is a post with the times on it as well as times for delayed internet stream which is quite poor but not too bad.

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