Wilson - n145 or carboflex 150??
Published: 05 May 2007 - 10:18 by sloejp
Updated: 05 May 2007 - 22:04
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i'm looking for a new racket and am debating whether to get a wilson n145 or a carboflex 150. i don't see much written about the n145 on this or other sites, so if anyone is using it, please let me know how it plays and how it might compare to the carboflex 150. also, i hear that carboflex tend to vibrate a lot, but i wonder if that's really much of a problem? i probably won't be able to demo either racket, so any tips you have will be greatly appreciated.

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From nickhitter - 05 May 2007 - 22:04
From plathai - 05 May 2007 - 13:01
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I would say now is not the time to buy new racket unless absoutley necessary as new models are coming out all the time over next few months and older models will no doubt come down in price. There's head metallix, prince latest o3 and dunlop aerogel series, not to mention what wilson are going to bring out themselves for 2007/2008. you may find that n145 comes down in price very soon....
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