Published: 31 May 2007 - 12:04 by benjamin256
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:31
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i was wondering if anyone got pictures of shabana using the ultimate or if any other new pros with the new aerogels and which one do u guys think is the best?

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From Millercrow - 01 Jul 2007 - 01:26
From paul01323 - 19 Jun 2007 - 06:21
From SquashNorthof60 - 19 Jun 2007 - 04:53
From Brian - 01 Jun 2007 - 20:31
Hi there. If you go on they have pictures and are taking pre orders of the new aerogel shabana racket. They are available 2nd week in June.
I have play tested the racket, it's good, stiffer than the previous shabana racket, but a lovely balance and I have ordered 2 rackets from them and they are sending me a free aerogel bag. They are a very effecient company to deal with, ask for Paul as he knows all about the rackets.
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Hey bud,
I recently purchased the Shabana Ultimate Aerogel in Hong Kong, and it was the sweetest thing i have ever felt. Awesome touch and control in addition to great power. The racket is also very stiff with lovely balance resulting the amount of control and power. Not floppy like the Hot Melt Pros. I highly advise you to get this racket haha. Im not sure if Shabana is using this racket just yet as he might still be with the ICE Elite. The only down side of this racket merely the cost... it is rather expensive...
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