Cross training over the holidays
Published: 16 Dec 2007 - 21:53 by rippa rit
Updated: 01 Dec 2009 - 20:39
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From rippa rit - 01 Dec 2009 - 08:14 - Updated: 01 Dec 2009 - 20:39
From mike - 17 Dec 2007 - 09:33
Yeah, in my case my weight rarely changes by more than a few hundred grams, but Cardiovascular fitness can come and go like the breeze.
I need to be sure not to have it all whitter away over the break :) It can be hard to form new habbits though, when the existing regular squash habbit is on hold.
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We are approaching the time of year that the seasons change to very hot/very cold, the routines change, the habits change, the body can also change accordingly. Those who can adapt their usual routine into an interesting contrast will not lose the year's build up of fitness providing they substitute some cross-training. Here in Oz it is a must to get up early before the sun when it is ideal for walking, running, and swimming. I find when I leave my fitness till the evening it is so tempting to put it off till tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes!
Let's know what you are proposing to keep the calories under control during the festive season?
PS - Mike - you are one of the few who stay lean; they say you cannot fatten thorobreds!
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