Why Cross Training?
Published: 07 Dec 2004 - 08:21 by rippa rit
Updated: 16 Jul 2009 - 15:27
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Cross training is useful to keep fitness going when our chosen sport is not able to be participated (no time, no transport, no partner, no venue). It is also useful to have another option so we do not get bored with repetitive training.
Other benefits of Cross training, for example:-
- When recovering from injury. (Choose an activity that will assist overall fitness without stressing the injury).
- When visiting a town or city that has no squash club/courts. (Assists overall well-being).
- While travelling extensively and time is limited, and there is no playing partner. (Assists weight control and aids circulation).
- It gives the often used muscles a rest. (Balances the muscles).
- It keeps the body in good shape during the holiday season. (Makes the return to squash competition more enjoyable and less prone to injury).

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From rippa rit - 12 Dec 2008 - 07:09
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With the Christmas holidays fast approaching it is a good chance to break up the routine, give the squash a rest, and keep the body moving with other activities. Enjoy the change.
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