Training programme
Published: 28 Oct 2009 - 01:40 by leskzn
Updated: 28 Oct 2009 - 06:46
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Is there anyone that can provide me with a fitness program for off the court training like running etc.
Regards Les

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From rippa rit - 28 Oct 2009 - 06:45 - Updated: 28 Oct 2009 - 06:46
From drop-shot - 28 Oct 2009 - 05:10
yupp. I think I may help you with fitness and agility training...
so... believe it or not - jogging one hour is not worth its attention at all. Boring. And truly dangerous to your knees and ankles. What is really crucial for squash players is SPEED. so, sprint, recover, sprint, recover. the better it goes if you are sprinting upwards. I do mean uphills... this is when your muscles and strings do work similar to the court/ squash conditions.
As it goes for your fitness and condition, I'd recommend swimming. three times per week, 30 mins of continous swimming will teach you the breathing, the thinking while you're dead and your body will take more effort :)
Additionally, spinning is great (bicycle fast trainings) ... Skipping rope is good for beginners. 30 seconds of skipping and break then again...
I hope it's clear....
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yeah - what dropshot has said makes it very simple and with some variety too as boring training never lasts too long before you give it a miss. Cheap training too!
Here is the Cross Training blurb which might also give you some ideas (I am a lousy swimmer).
I guess the other vital ingredient is organisation and persistence.
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