That Winning Feeling
Published: 15 Jan 2008 - 09:45 by rippa rit
Updated: 15 Jan 2008 - 09:49
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There are times when the first game has been lost and things are looking grim, and suddenly there is a shift in the play. This does not become apparent until after a few consequetive points. The loser gets a strong feeling of playing well, making the winner feel like the underdog. How come, the loser can feel themselves in the "zone". What happens?
By staying in the zone it will not matter that the opponent starts to fight hard to regain the upperhand, providing the focus is kept on the "doing" part of the match. Keep that same feeling within, don't change the mind set, eg try too hard, overhit the ball, go for winners too early, as anxiousness can overtake the mind.
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- Feel strong
- Feel focussed
- Strong body language
- Few errors
- Everything is going right
- Win the huge points
- Opponent is making errors
- Opponent feels the pressure as the score creeps up
By staying in the zone it will not matter that the opponent starts to fight hard to regain the upperhand, providing the focus is kept on the "doing" part of the match. Keep that same feeling within, don't change the mind set, eg try too hard, overhit the ball, go for winners too early, as anxiousness can overtake the mind.
Once having experienced this feeling, it is something to keep striving for.
Read our Mental Skills for further assistance.

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