Post Squash Nutrition
Published: 30 May 2008 - 18:06 by shar01
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 17:30
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What and how much should I eat after I play squash. I come home about 11 at night and just wnat to sleep.
What should I eat?

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From rippa rit - 30 May 2008 - 19:48 - Updated: 30 May 2008 - 19:57
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This link gives good advice on post game meal (nutrition).
You can see there is not one conclusive answer and depends a lot on your lifestyle/work/schedule, etc.
If you are only playing a competitive match one or two nights a week it is best to have your lunch (big meal) in the middle of the day to give your food time to digest before going on court, and then have a light carbo snack a couple of hours before going on court.
Here is's Game Preparation link.
All of these factors have to be read in conjunction with your energy requirements, not only during the game, but prior to and also following the game.
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