Published: 01 Apr 2009 - 20:43 by dicey2
Updated: 27 Apr 2009 - 14:56
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I train anaerobically twice a week. I might go for a slow run 2 twice a week on top of that plus play anything between 4-6 games a week
Can anyone tell me what foods I should be eating i.e. before training/game, afterwards, during the day etc etc
I really would like to know what food i.e. salads, pasta, bananas, fruit juices etc rather than food groups i.e. carbs, protein
Other than the obivous stuff i.e sweets, fried foods, alcohol is there anything i should stay clear from??

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From raystrach - 27 Apr 2009 - 14:53 - Updated: 27 Apr 2009 - 14:56
From rippa rit - 26 Apr 2009 - 07:41
It all seems pretty sound advice. Squash does burn a lot of calories and is great for weight control, though, having said that, an eating plan based on the amount of squash you play, together with the playing schedule, will help your game a lot.. By eating good food at the right time you are on the right track. Always allow 4 hours for a heavy meal to be digested before going on court, and that is why pasta and rice meals are great meals for the Friday night when you have a weekend tournament coming up.
From daveamour - 03 Apr 2009 - 00:54
I'm no expert but I tried eating immediatley after playing following advice given on here and found that my muscle recovery was fantasic.
I made a shake by blending milk with banana, honey, fruit, nuts and cereal and drank that straight after playing and I haven't suffered from muscle stiffness since. For this I think you really want easy to digest food, lots of natural sugars I think works fro me.
From rippa rit - 01 Apr 2009 - 21:06 - Updated: 26 Apr 2009 - 07:34
Here is the Squash Library/Game Preparation which has some good reading to help your squash game.
There has been discussion on Nutirtion and Diet in previous posts, see Relevant Content for more reading.
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hi dicey 2
as well as the info below, there are a couple of basics which you may or may not know which might help you decide what to eat.
this website has some expert advice on these matters including some sample meals which you might find helpful
during other times you should eat a well balanced diet, eating plently of fresh foods including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. as a general rule, the more processed foods are, the more you should avoid them.
Here are some tips for the all important vegies and fruit
Here is a good diagramatic representation of a healthy diet
Assess you own diet here
check out the Australian Guide for Healthy Eating (pdf)
if you get the basics right, you can then choose foods which you enjoy, rather than have someone else tell you what you should be eating
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