How Big of a Role Does Tennis Play in Squash?
Published: 10 May 2010 - 02:02 by WHATS
Updated: 13 May 2010 - 08:02
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Basically, I've been playing Squash about once a week for the past 4 or 5 months. I started out terribly but now I like to think I've improved a lot. I brought a few friends with me to play one time (3 have never played, 1 has played before, and 1 is a pro tennis player). The ones I have never played are practically nothing to worry about (average game being about 11-3 for me). Me and the guy who has played sq. before's average game would be very close. For instance he won 13-11 when we played last. But sometimes I win, and sometimes he wins. I don't even know how long he's been playing.
And as for the tennis player. I think he said he'd played sq. only once before. But when I play him, he is good competition. His serves are consistently aces and he puts up some really good rallies. (he also has an odd two-handed style that he uses). Most of the time I'd say he wins, but he's really never even played. Does the fact that he is a really good tennis player mean anything? Is this what's giving him an edge, or am I just not as good as I thought I was.
I just don't like losing to new players!

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 13 May 2010 - 08:02
From DealMstr - 13 May 2010 - 01:24
I'm a tennis player turned squash player. In the beginning, I was looking as squash as a good cross-training activity for tennis, but inevitably I fell in love with the game. I started playing with a few friends that are not tennis players and I have to say that I had a huge advantage over them bringing my tennis skills to the course. While the swing is a much different stroke, the hand-eye coordination and ability to see angles has definitely put me ahead of the pack. It keeps me in great shape and I am ready to compete with the best of them when I step back onto the tennis court in the fall. Not only do I think that tennis helped my squash game, but squash has now definitely improved my tennis game!
See you on either court!
From rippa rit - 10 May 2010 - 07:47 - Updated: 10 May 2010 - 07:51
Whats - that is a good observation about the tennis player having the ability. When squash first was born all the good players were converts and really great competitors playing tennis on the squash court. True, including me, and most of our 60's champions. This changed over time as squash started to breed its own juniors and squash was introduced into high school sport.
Basically any athlete who has played a bat and ball game will be streets ahead of other new squash players. Why? They have the co-ordination, the ball sense, which are transferrable skills. Many of our top club players have come up the ranks from cricket, softball, badminton, tennis. Squash grew best of all when they taught their own beginners and not "steal" them from other sports....not too many coaches want to start from scratch and teach people to hit the ball though...beginners need a lot of nurturing, help, encouragement, patience until they get hooked in.
What to do about the tennis player (there is a forum post or Rippa Rit tip on this topic)?
- Keep the ball close to the wall
- Aim for the corners
- Keep the ball low
PS - I have a scar on each eyebrow brought about by my early days of playing tennis players, and when I also was probably not moving around the court like I should and backing myself into the corners!!
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Squash sure does sharpen up the reflexes and particularly the volleying in tennis, and of course the squash grip is perfect for that, as we do not require 8 different grips to perfect our various shots. As a top competitive squash player I did not combine other sports into my training as it did interfere with my game. Having said that, I know of top tennis players who constantly used squash for conditioning and reflex training. Now that volleying has died out of tennis a lot due to the power in the drives, squash might not be so necessary to sharpen up the reflexes at a top level - at a social level I am sure it would help tremendously where the power and accuracy in the drives is more inconsistent therefore allowing more volley intercept..
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