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Squash Shoes

Published: 10 Jul 2010 - 19:33 by vikram_beginner

Updated: 14 Jul 2010 - 08:51

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Hi, can I use tennis shoes (trainers) (Wilson) that i already possess for playing Squash? Can all/most Squash shoes double up as badminton shoes, viewing that firstly, they need to be allowed on the courts and secondly, not be prone to wrong use and tear (because the wrong sport is being played in them)?

Is there a type of shoe available that can be used across the disciplines of squash and badminton? Maybe tennis also...

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From raystrach - 14 Jul 2010 - 08:51

first of all, good to see you back in forum adz


as adz pointed out, squash shoes fit into the indoor catgeory which have soles designed to grip on indoor surfaces. most tennis shoes have a harder compound which can take on more abrasive hard courts. grip may not be so good indoors

in short, a good quality indoor shoe should comfortably handle badminton or squash for 95% of players. my preferred choice is asics as i find they provide better shock absorption.

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From Adz - 13 Jul 2010 - 00:46   -   Updated: 13 Jul 2010 - 00:47

Hi Vikram,


Most indoor court shoes are designed for wooden floors or sport-hall laminate surfaces. They often use what is referred to as "wet rubber" for all or part of the sole material to provide better grip on these surface types.

As well as this, the shoes tend to have multi-directional support, providing stability when not only moving in different directions, but also turning. It is the turning aspect which is most missed in Tennis shoes, as these tend to have more flat, stable soles than the rounded edged indoor shoes.

Indeed looking into the latest designs coming from Asics it's possible to see the cross-over from handball to squash/badminton.

I guess the same can be said of running shoes. You can use road-shoes to run cross country, but they won't provide the same specialist support that you'd get from trail shoes, even though the same basic purpose is to be used for running.


I hope that helps, but if you want more detail then take a look at the technologies used in making Asics, Prince and Hi-Tec indoor court shoes. They can all be found on various websites explaining the requirements which generated the new technology developments.





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From rippa rit - 10 Jul 2010 - 21:22

I would not use my tennis shoes.  Indoor court shoes as used for table tennis, badminton, squash. I sprained my ankle using my tennis shoes.

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