03 Black stock Tension?
Published: 17 Aug 2010 - 22:30 by Jack123456
Updated: 18 Aug 2010 - 23:31
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recently bought a Prince 03 black, (silver one) and cant get any power out of the stock strings.
Does anyone know the stock tension.
Its got prince super synthetic guy 17s in.
I want to try technofibre 305s but dont know what tension. I want to try 18 Gauge.
Definately need some more power.
Any help appreciated

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From raystrach - 18 Aug 2010 - 23:31
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hi jack
i string very few rackets below 28 lbs. in theory, the looser the strings, the more power the racket will generate. (of course some adjustments must be made for rackets that have a very low recommended tension)
new rackets are usually strung looser rather than tighter. my guesstimate would be that most new rackets would be strung around 22 - 26lbs although i don't have any real evidence on this - just my thoughts on seeing new rackets.
i like to know how a player plays before i recommend a string tension, but you cannot go too far wrong if you string it between 26 - 28 lbs seeing power is an issue
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