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Winning points on both hand out and in ?

Published: 09 Jan 2006 - 13:47 by Viper

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:28

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Why was that changed for the pro men ?

Was it because rallies go too long and therefore so do the matches ?

If so why extend the games to 11 ?

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From Viper - 09 Jan 2006 - 19:26

Thanks Ray

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From raystrach - 09 Jan 2006 - 18:08   -   Updated: 10 Jan 2006 - 08:35

hi all

fyi - about the new psa system.

  • psa changed to pars (15 points per game) in the nineties but the games were getting too long
  • they then changed recently to shorter tie-break games ie if 9-9 first player to win at least 2 points with an advantage of 2 (the same as winning the hand then winning the serve as per international scoring)

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