Ever played a fox?
Published: 22 Aug 2004 - 18:09 by rippa rit
Updated: 13 Feb 2008 - 08:06
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Foxes come in various forms, but the type I remember clearly, because I was caught once or twice early in my competitive squash games, make excuses, yawn. And, before you know it, you are feeling sorry for them. So you let your guard down. Then what does the foxing player do?
What is their act?
- They yawn before going on the court and tell you how tired they feel due to this and that.
- They don't try too hard to start off the hit up including a few points into the match. Sometimes they talk about being injured - anything to get sympathy. Then, suddenly you realise - maybe at 6:4, you have not taken the match seriously, and are feeling a bit out of rhythm and moving slowly.
- Gradually the foxing player takes off while you are winding down. Wow!!
- At this stage it can be difficult to get serious.
- What will you do next time?
- Never take an opponent lightly.
- Listen sympathetically, but not seriously.
- Always prepare mentally and physically no matter what.
Primadonnas tend to use this line if they feel they might get beaten. And, if they are beaten, they have a good excuse or something to blame. Then, if they win, they did it in spite of being tired.. Just a thought - maybe next time this happens suggest they forfeit!
More reading about Mental Skills

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From fernando - 13 Feb 2008 - 08:06
From rippa rit - 12 Feb 2008 - 17:02
Yeah Mike - once slowing down to give the opponent a chance it is often so hard to then pick yourself up to speed again. Your mind sort of goes "awl" too plus the opponent gains so much confidence by taking those points.
You will know not to do that next time !
From mike - 12 Feb 2008 - 16:53
Ha, yes.
I was recently playing a young junior in a handicapped game to 31 points. He got a point for every rally, and I had to win the serve before scoring. When I was up about 20 - 10 and winning each rally easily he started sulking a bit, did some mild racquet abuse and generally gave up. As the rallies were 3-shots at most I eased up a bit, made the serve looser and gave him more time to get the ball.
He responded with contempt and started winning (give an inch...). A few errors from me, and he won 31 - 29.
From rippa rit - 19 Jun 2005 - 11:21
From aprice1985 - 18 Jun 2005 - 22:23
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Amaizing, but Squash is like Mathematics, if you know, you know! If you don't know, you donbt know! There is no chance to make it right. If you dont warm up well and have great attitude and consistency during your game sorry friend, you are done!!! Before the match starts. I've seem it some many times in my life. Sometimes when I feel mad and careless about my opponent,I just plow him in a easy match.
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