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Gold Membership Update

Published: 12 Jul 2007 - 16:23 by rippa rit

Updated: 08 Sep 2007 - 08:31

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The following videos have been added to the Gold Video Library, and placed in the Squash Library, ie
  • Tactics - Decision Making - Front court "holds" (3 Parts)
  • Tactics - Shot Selection - Front Court Toss (2 Parts)
  • Strokes/Movement - Backhand Front Court Toss
  • Solo Drills - Backhand Volley Nick
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From rippa rit - 08 Sep 2007 - 08:31

When putting in the Gold post a few days ago I did not have the link to the

you will see the tab on the Home Page under the Forum.

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From rippa rit - 05 Sep 2007 - 15:18   -   Updated: 05 Sep 2007 - 15:18

The following features have been activated:
  • Discussion page has been added to both the Squash Library and Gold Library to promote discussion on all page content.
There will be a link placed on the front page of the latest topics under discussion.

Due to time constraint there will be an extension to your membership date by about one week.

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From rippa rit - 31 Aug 2007 - 17:28

The following resources have been added to the Gold Library:

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From rippa rit - 29 Aug 2007 - 17:11   -   Updated: 29 Aug 2007 - 17:13

The Squashgame Gold Evaluation Resources have been published and can be accessed through the Squashgame Gold link in the main menu.

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From raystrach - 09 Aug 2007 - 22:34

hi viper

we will be setting up a number of specific videos in the learn to play section, but as all of our content, it will be appropriate for that section.

 we will however, be releasing on a regular basis, special short videos on a wide range of technical subjects. they will give a fair taste of what is available for gold members.

we also intend to provide benefits back to loyal members, details of which we will provide in a few weeks.

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From Viper - 09 Aug 2007 - 11:59   -   Updated: 09 Aug 2007 - 12:02

Hi Ray,

Can I suggest you upload a couple of the more recent videos as free samples which were filmed under improved technical conditions.

I think the idea has merit, more so for beginners but it will hinge greatly on the quality of the presentation, the original free samples were only just ok.


Also, say 2 videos for beginners and most importantly 2 videos for advanced players, I think you will find interest from beginners but good players will need convincing that you can illustrate the subtle techniques required by advanced players, a couple of free advanced videos would help.



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From rippa rit - 02 Aug 2007 - 11:45   -   Updated: 02 Aug 2007 - 12:10

The following new videos have been included in the Gold Video Library:
  •  Backhand length off a Boast
  • Backhand  Kill Drill including a top spin - learning how to finish off a rally.
  • Backhand Kill Technique - solo drill, showing generation of power, movement and positioning.
  • Forehand Return of Service off the side wall - a good pair drill.
These videos have been placed into the Squash Library with appropriate text, under menus Strokes/Movement, Solo Drills, Pair Drills, Tactics.

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From Viper - 29 Jul 2007 - 10:14

Thanks Ray.

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From raystrach - 28 Jul 2007 - 01:01

while we have addressed some of your concerns, especially putting more light into each video,  we are really trying to get the content right whilst having a reasonable quality of video. as f0r the court etc, we many of the videos we are starting with has been filmed on the same court, but others we are working on at the moment is on a different court (the original one was supposed to be painted by the time we did the sessions)

if we wait until we get everything absolutely perfect (video wise, not content wise), there will be no just as with the website itself, we will build on what we have started with.

we anticipate that there will eventually be thousands of videos on  the website so that producing tv quality video really is not an option at this stage. we are aiming to start off with reasonable quality video which is accessible at a reasonable price.


all videos are playable in flash, but are not available as downloads at this stage

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From mike - 27 Jul 2007 - 23:04

Can the videos be downloaded, or only viewed online?

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From Viper - 27 Jul 2007 - 17:33   -   Updated: 27 Jul 2007 - 17:34

Is there an example of the new videos showing some of the feedback given re the original sample videos have been addressed, ie poor light, court walls needed painting and other technical considerations ?

I think it is an excellent innovation but the quality of the production was an issue.

Are all the new videos they same as these originals :



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From rippa rit - 27 Jul 2007 - 11:17   -   Updated: 27 Jul 2007 - 12:08

There are now almost 50 videos in the Gold Video Library and new additions have been put in the Squash Library to be found under:
  • Pair Drills
  • Solo Drills
  • Return of Serve
  • Volley
  • Decision Making
The decision making video on the return of serve is my pick as it highlights the decisions being processed as the serve approaches.
This is a skill to aspire to.

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From rippa rit - 19 Jul 2007 - 15:28

The following video clips have been added to the Gold Video Library, and are placed in the Squash Library as follows:

Solo Drills:
Backhand Attacking Volley Skills including Top Spin Volley.
Forehand Continuous chipping from mid court.

Pair Drills:
Backhand Volley, Volley Boast, Version 1 - Demo
Backhand Volley Intercepting with Volley, Vol Boast, Version 2
Backhand Volley Intercepting making the opponent move, Version 3

Backhand Volley, Volley Boast
Forehand Volley Chipping
Backhand Overhead Smash from Deep
Backhand Continuous volley

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...that I´m getting better and better.I became "squash-addict".

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