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Wilson Hyper Hammer 120

Published: 18 Jan 2009 - 17:49 by daveamour

Updated: 21 Jan 2009 - 06:18

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My first racket 3 years ago was a Wilson Hyper Hammer 120.  Not sure what the 120 stands for but I assumed unstrung weight.  Anyway I never trust advertised racket weights so I weighed a brand new one and it was 149g which strung is very light I think.

So I bought one 3 years ago and then bought several other different rackets over the years trying different ones out then the other week I had a very tired arm due to overplaying so I tried my wilson since I knew it was the lightest one I had.  I loved it and found that now I had the skill to use it I realised what a brilliant racket it is.  Powerwise it is superb as it has a very stiff frame but it is so light that speed of racket preperation is very fast even in quick skirmishes.

So I bought another 2 as they had them on offer - 2 for £80 and I just wanted to have some in reserve for years to come when my original one breaks and maybe they don't make them anymore.

Just wondered if anyone else has or has tried this racket and what they think?

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From daveamour - 21 Jan 2009 - 06:18   -   Updated: 21 Jan 2009 - 06:18

Yep I figured that out which makes sense when I weighed it and it came to 149g.  Still so light in the hand though but so much power especially off the quick wristy shots.  It reminds me of something the alien off of the predator films would use made from futuristic light metals but super strong!

Just noticed they have an ad for thme on here too



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From mike - 18 Jan 2009 - 22:44

I haven't used that racket, but as you've probably realised the quoted weight is a frame weight, unstrung, but usually with the factory grip (I think). Once you add strings, and a possibly thicker replacement grip and maybe some head tape there can be an extra 30g.


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