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  • is a big site so we have tried to make it as simple as possible to navigate.
  • I hope we have succeeded.
  • Being a new site, it is sometimes difficult to know when and if we have things right.
  • Please let us know what you think.
  • If your question is not answered below please contact us.

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Site Navigation

Blue Headings/tabs show various links to Departments, Chapters, Forum topics, Coaching Tips, The Guru's Blog, Rippa Rit's Hot Links, The Guru's Shorts, etc. within the site.

All Department headings have Chapters.

Q . How do you I use the Home page?
A. The Home page has many Blue Headings containing Departments, eg

  • Squashgame Home
  • Squash Library
  • Squash Websites (in abeyance)
  • Members Forum Posts
  • Squashgame Gold Library Discussion
  • Member Services
  • Rippa Rit's Coaching Tips
  • Rippa Rit's Hot Links
  • The Guru's Blog
  • The Guru's Shorts

Q. Do all Blue Tabs Open?
A. Yes. Each Department opens into Chapters/Pages and this shows menu items within that Department, eg

  • Squash Library (Department)
    • Strokes/Movement (Chapter)
      • Basic Swing (Pages)
        • Squash Grip (Section)

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Library Content

Q. What is in the Squash Library
A. The Library is on a Blue Tab situated at the top of the Home Page and links to various Departments.  These Departments have Chapters/Pages and are very squash specific to the game.

  • By holding the cursor over the Squash Library a number of Department headings will appear, eg
    • Squash Safety
    • How to Play
    • Preparation/Stretches
    • Strokes and Movement
    • Squash Tactics
    • Squash Mental Skills
    • Squash Fitness
    • Squash Drills/Routines
    • Activities & Games
    • Squash Rules & Specs.
  • Click on any of these Departments and a Chapter/Page Heading will appear. Only Gold Members will be able to access Gold content.

Q. Will it cost money to access any of the information contained in the Squash Library.
A. No. 

Q. What benefits will I get from joining Squashgame Gold?
A. Squashgame Gold has been suspended as from Friday 28th November, 2008.

Q. Why become a member of squashgame?

A. To partake in the Member's Forum, Playing :Partners, and Products, eg E-Coaching, downloading of videos, etc.

For further details on benefits and registration/joining.


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Web site categories

Our Website Department is currently in abeyance pending further planning.

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Benefits of Members Forum

Q. What is the purpose of the

Members Forum

A. The Members Forum is a place for members to share ideas, and ask questions about any topic relating to squash.

Q. About the

Forum Archives

A. It is recommended new members read the Archives as it can cover useful discussions on past topics.

Q. Why install the squashgame Chat Browser?
A. By installing the squashgame chat browser, it is possible to log on to the CHAT and speak to other members who are also logged on at that time. Members do not know you are on line unless you log-in.

Q.  How are posts put into the Members Forum (SquashInfo, SquashForum, Squash Story, etc)?
A.  Hold the cursor over Members Forum, click the appropriate tab, namely eg

  • Create a New Post
  • Then, select from the down arrow the appropriate Chapter (SquashInfo, SquashForum, etc)

Q. How to reply to a post?

A.. After reading the post, click "Submit your Reply here" and a Post Reply box will appear.  You can also edit the text in the forum reply.

All Blue tabs/links have, eg Rippa Rit's Coaching Tips, The Guru's Blog have Post Reply features.

Q. Why would I go to the Members Forum tab?
A. To :

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Benefits of being a member

The following is a FREE service to all registered members.

  • Playing Partners
  • Reply to Posts
  • Gear Reviews
  • Products
  • Upload Images
  • Links & Partners

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....One other good thing is how many different scenarios they show, nice to see the various options in practice

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